San Jose Clash
1996 - 1999
A red with yellow florescent trim scorpion on a black formed background and wordmark below the scorpion. Wordmark "Clash" in white with red trim and "SAN JOSE" in yellow.
Clash Wordmark Logo
The San Jose Clash wordmark logo has a long and interesting history. The original logo was designed in 1995 when the team first entered Major League Soccer (MLS). It featured an abstract “clash” of colors, with white and black being predominant. This clash symbolized the idea that soccer could bring together people from different backgrounds to form a unified whole. The emphasis on unity was further emphasized by having two hands clasping each other at the top of the design, representing friendship and solidarity among players regardless of their background or nationality.
In 1998, after three years in the MLS competition, it was decided that a new look would be needed for San Jose Clash's branding identity as they continued to grow within professional soccer circles. A revised version of this iconic wordmark emerged featuring red instead of white as its primary color palette; this change reflected both an increased passion for winning games as well as reflecting upon their home city's flag which also features red prominently in its design scheme. Additionally, the stylization between letters became more prominent, creating a greater visual impact while still maintaining some sense of familiarity through aspects such as font selection.
Since then, there have been minor tweaks made to keep up with modern trends but overall, the core elements remain unchanged; namely those two interlocking hands at peak atop colorful letterforms representing strength & unity amongst all those partaking within the professional sports arena. As one can see today when attending any match played by San Jose Clash or simply seeing them advertised anywhere online/offline – these classic logos are still widely used despite changes over time due largely because they represent something larger than just sport itself: community pride & coming together over shared interests no matter what our differences may be!
San Jose Clash
1996 - 1999
Wordmark scripted in red with black trim "Clash" and below "SAN JOSE" in black.
Font: Custom
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