MetroStars Primary Logo
The MetroStars are a professional soccer team from the United States, and they have had an interesting logo journey throughout their history. The original logo for the team was unveiled in 1994 when it first joined Major League Soccer (MLS). It featured a blue star with red outlines on top of a white circle that represented the “metro” portion of its name. This simple design has become iconic over time and is still used by many fans today as an homage to the team’s early days.
In 1999, however, this classic look was replaced with something much more modern: two overlapping stars in black and silver that were meant to represent both New York City's skyline as well as its status within MLS. This new logo also included several other important elements such as three stripes at each side which symbolized unity among players; plus four points along each star which stood for progress towards victory; finally, there were nine dots around it all representing strength through diversity - values shared by both teams' supporters alike!
Today, though not officially part of any official branding or merchandise releases since 2005, this second version remains popular amongst some fans who appreciate its symbolism even if it no longer appears on jerseys or other apparel associated with MetroStars matches. While there may be newer logos out there now - including one featuring five stars instead of just two - nothing can quite compare to how these initial designs captured what makes up America's most beloved soccer club: passion combined with ambition!
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Wordmark “MetroStars” in white and a custom font on a red and black shield with
a white star and a white and black football.

A red with a black and orange trim letter “M” shaped like a lightning bolt. Above the letter is a black and great NY cityscape and wordmark positioned on the letter “METROSTARS” in white.