Stars Wordmark Logo
The San Antonio Stars have been part of the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) since 2003, and their iconic wordmark logo has become a symbol of pride for fans all over the world. The team's original logo featured an abstract star with a blue background and yellow lettering. This design was used until 2011 when they decided to switch things up with a more modern look.
In 2012, the Stars unveiled their new wordmark logo featuring two stars in white against black background along with red lettering that reads “San Antonio” above it and “Stars” below it in bold font. The two stars represent Texas' Lone Star state flag which is symbolic of unity among people from different backgrounds living together as one community - something that resonates strongly within San Antonio's culture today. Additionally, this new design also included subtle details such as curved lines around each star to add depth and character to its overall appearance making it stand out even more than before!
The updated version of this classic emblem quickly became popular amongst fans who appreciated its simple yet effective style; not only does it capture what makes San Antonio special but also pays homage to where they came from by incorporating elements found on Texas' state flag into its design! It continues to be used proudly by supporters everywhere who recognize how much history lies behind every single detail contained within these three words: "San Antonio Stars."
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