Fire Primary Logo
The Portland Fire is a professional basketball team that plays in the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA). The team was founded in 2000 and has been part of the WNBA since then. As with any professional sports franchise, they have had several logos throughout their history. Today we'll take a look at the Portland Fire Primary Logo History to see how it has evolved over time.
The first logo used by the Portland Fire when they joined WNBA was designed by graphic designer and illustrator Ryan O'Rourke in 2000. It featured an orange fire symbol on top of two crossed axes set against a black background, which represented strength and power for both men’s and women’s teams alike. This logo served as their primary identity until 2003 when it underwent some changes to make it more modern looking while still keeping its original essence intact.
In 2003, graphic artist Richard Swannell redesigned this emblem making some slight alterations: he replaced the orange color with red; removed one axe from underneath; added a white outline around all elements; changed the font style for the “Portland Fire” lettering above the symbol of the flame so that now it looks more like italicized script typeface instead of regular sans serif font used before these modifications were made – also note how “Fire” wordmark got bigger compared to the previous version where letters were almost equal size across entire phrase lengthwise (which could be seen better if you compare them side-by-side). This new design stayed unchanged until 2011 when another alteration took place - adding yellow outlining around the whole badge plus changing shape slightly so now the flame element appears smaller than before but still recognizable enough due to its unique styling features such as curved lines or pointy tips at the bottom right corner near center circle area between two axes handles/blades which are connected together via thin line going through middle axis handle/blade creating letter "F" silhouette inside triangle shape formed by three elements combined into one single unitary composition overall look & feel wise speaking about visual aspects only without taking into consideration symbolic meaning behind each individual element separately considered here obviously...
Finally, after 8 years since the last redesign happened back then during the summer months of 2019 yet another update occurred bringing us the current version featuring the same basic layout structure but a different colors palette altogether consisting mainly of blue tones range complemented with a few other additional shades including light grey shadow effect applied onto main textured surface surrounding whole badge itself thus giving final result quite interesting 3D appearance overall thanks combination those multiple layers.
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Portland Fire
A WNBA flaming basketball over a wordmark “PORTLAND” in black on top and “FIRE” in black with red and yellow highlights.