Comets Primary Logo
The Houston Comets are a professional women's basketball team that has been around since 1997. The team has had an illustrious history and is one of the most successful teams in the WNBA. One of their most iconic symbols is their primary logo, which has gone through several iterations over the years.
The original logo for the Houston Comets was designed by graphic designer Jeff Johnson in 1997 when they first joined the WNBA as part of its inaugural season. It featured a blue starburst with five yellow stars inside it, along with two white comets flying across either side and “Houston” written underneath it all in red lettering on a black background. This design was used until 2002 when they changed to another variation featuring more modern colors such as pink and purple instead of blue and yellow while keeping some elements from before like “Houston” still written beneath them both but now larger than before so that it could be seen better from afar or on television screens during broadcasts.
In 2008, after 11 seasons using this version, yet another new look appeared for fans to get excited about; this time featuring three rockets shooting outwards towards each other at different angles instead of two comets flying across either side like previously mentioned above (the rockets being symbolic due to Houston's close proximity near NASA). Alongside those were also four stars arranged into an arc shape above them all plus again having “Houston” placed beneath everything else but now even bigger than ever before!
Finally, after 12 years of using this latest iteration - 2020 saw yet another redesigned version come forth which included similar elements such as three rockets shooting outwards towards each other at different angles (albeit slightly modified) plus four stars arranged into an arc shape above them; however, unlike previous versions, there wasn't any text displayed anywhere within or outside these graphics making up what would become known today simply just "the Rockets."
Overall since joining back in '97 - we've seen quite a few changes made throughout its lifetime regarding how exactly people recognize/view our beloved hometown heroes here: The Houston Comets! From simple beginnings starting off with just one starburst & two comets surrounded by words reading "HOUSTON" right down through multiple redesigns eventually culminating where we're currently standing today-it truly goes without saying that regardless of whether you were born then or not-you can proudly wear your favorite piece representing our city's proudest franchise knowing full well why everyone loves seeing those familiar sights whenever the game day comes.
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Houston Comets
A red basketball comet shooting over wordmark “HOUSTON” in white and “COMETS” in white with red trim on a blue star-field.