The Raw Emotion and Power of Horses in Sport Logos

The Raw Emotion and Power of Horses in Sport Logos

Something about horses inspires many sports teams worldwide to use them on their logos. Why? Well, it all comes down to symbolism. Horses are pretty athletic animals and carry a lot of symbolism. They represent power, raw emotion, freedom, endurance, speed, fighting spirit, etc. All these things make them perfect as a logo for a sports team.  Additionally, horse racing …

SLH News - Broncos Logo History

NFL Teams Logo Battle

NFL Primary LogoNFL Alternate LogoNFL Wordmark LogoNFL Team HistoryNFL Greatest Player (Unlimited votes) Choose your favorite current NFL team logo? Arizona Cardinals Primary Logo 2005 – Present Atlanta Falcons Primary Logo 2003 – Present Buffalo Bills Primary Logo 1974 – Present Baltimore Ravens Primary Logo 1999 – Present Carolina Panthers Primary Logo 2012 – Present Chicago Bears Primary Logo 2023 …