Spirits of St. Louis
1975 - 1976
The famous airplane flown solo by Charles Lindbergh under a wordmark script "Spirits of St Louis" in brown coming out of plane's tail.
Spirits Logo History
The Spirit of St. Louis Logo is a symbol that has become synonymous with the city of St. Louis and its rich history. The logo was created in 1920 by local artist Charles Nagel, Jr., who wanted to capture the spirit and energy of his beloved hometown in one simple image. Since then, it has been used as an official emblem for many organizations throughout the city including sports teams, businesses, schools, and more!
The design itself features two intersecting circles which represent different aspects of life in St. Louis: industry & commerce on one side; culture & entertainment on another side; education & learning on a third side; while faith-based institutions are represented by a cross on the center point between them all - creating an overall sense unity among these various elements that make up this great city’s unique identity!
Over time, this iconic logo has come to reflect not only what makes up daily life here but also how much pride people take in their hometown – from professional baseball games at Busch Stadium to cultural events like Fair Saint Louis or just walking around downtown enjoying all there is see and do – no matter where you go you can find reminders everywhere about why we love living here so much! It truly captures “the spirit” behind why so many call themselves proud residents (or former residents)of this wonderful place called “StL”…and it will continue doing so for years to come!

Spirits of St. Louis
1975 - 1976
Alternate Logo
The famous airplane solo flight by Charles Lindbergh under the wordmark script "Spirits of St Louis" in silver with brown trim coming out of the plane's tail.