San Diego Conquistadors
1972 - 1975
A conquistador solider carrying a pickaxe charging with a ABA basketball. Wordmark "SAN DIEGO CONQUISTADORS" in black.
Conquistadors Logo History
The San Diego Conquistadors were a professional basketball team that played in the American Basketball Association (ABA) from 1972 to 1975. The team was named after the Spanish conquistadors who explored and colonized much of what is now Mexico and Central America. The logo for the Conquistadors featured a stylized version of an Aztec warrior, with his helmet adorned with feathers, wielding both a sword and shield. This design has become iconic within San Diego sports culture over time, as it represents not only its history but also its commitment to excellence on the court during its brief tenure in the ABA competition.
The original logo was designed by local artist Ernie Colón in 1972 when he created several different designs for potential logos before settling on this one which best represented both historical accuracies as well as modern aesthetics at that time period. Over time however, there have been slight alterations made to keep up with changing tastes while still maintaining its traditional roots such as adding more vibrant colors or making minor modifications like adjusting proportions so they fit better onto jerseys or other promotional materials used by teams around North America today.
As part of recent efforts to honor past athletes from various eras within San Diego's rich sports history, the current NBA franchise located here –the Los Angeles Clippers- adopted elements from this classic design into their own official emblem back in 2015. This move further cemented how significant this particular visual representation had become throughout Southern California’s sporting landscape even though it originated almost half a century ago through another league entirely. As such, it serves not only as a reminder of the city's proud athletic heritage but also as a testament to how strong impact can be left behind through something seemingly small yet powerful enough to endure many decades later without losing any relevancy whatsoever along the way!

San Diego Conquistadors
1972 - 1975
Alternate Logo
A conquistador soldier carrying a pickaxe with the year 71' charging with an ABA basketball. Wordmark "SAN DIEGO CONQUISTADORS" in black.

San Diego Conquistadors
1972 - 1975
Wordmark Logo
Wordmark "SAN DIEGO" on top in red and "CONQUISTADORS" in orange with yellow trim.