Renegades Alternate Logo
The Ottawa Renegades have had a long and storied history since their inception in 2002. The team has gone through several iterations, including changing its name to the Ottawa RedBlacks in 2013. One thing that has remained constant throughout the years is the alternate logo used by the franchise. The logo was first introduced during their inaugural season and has been featured prominently on merchandise ever since then.
In 2002, when they were still known as just “the Renegades”, they unveiled an alternate logo featuring a shield with two crossed swords inside it along with an O-R lettering for “Ottawa-Renegades” above it all written in white font against a black background. This design represented strength and courage which are both qualities that every CFL team should strive for if they want to be successful on and off of the field of play!
The second iteration of this iconic symbol came about when they changed their name from "the Renegades" to "the RedBlacks". This time around there was no need for any letters or words within the shield because everyone knew who these guys were now! Instead, this new version featured two red blades crossing each other at angles while sitting atop a black oval shape - creating what many people believe is one of the best logos ever created by professional sports teams anywhere across North America!
In addition to being used as part of official merchandise items such as t-shirts & hats; this particular badge also appears frequently on fan apparel like jerseys & jackets too (as well as flags). It's become so popular over time that even those who don't follow football closely can recognize it instantly - making sure everyone knows exactly where your loyalty lies: With Canada's Football League & our beloved Ottawa Redblacks!!!
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