Shreveport Pirates
1994 - 1995
A black and white pirate with red bandana coming from a purple with black trim triangle. Olde english font of a double lined wordmark "Shreveport Pirates." The letters "S" and "P" are in gold with purple trim and the rest of the wordmark in purple.
Pirates Wordmark Logo
The Shreveport Pirates were a professional Canadian Football League (CFL) team that played in the city of Shreveport, Louisiana from 1994 to 1995. During their short tenure, they had an iconic logo and wordmark that is still remembered by many fans today. The logo was designed by renowned graphic artist Mark Anderson and featured a pirate wearing a tricorn hat with crossed swords behind him. The wordmark “Shreveport Pirates” was written in bold lettering above the image and helped create an instantly recognizable brand for the team.
Since its debut in 1994, this classic design has become synonymous with the franchise even though it only lasted two years before folding due to financial issues related to stadium construction costs at Independence Stadium which they called home during their time playing in Shreveport. While there have been some minor tweaks over time such as changing out colors or swapping out fonts used on merchandise items like t-shirts or hats; overall this original mark remains one of the most beloved logos ever created for any CFL team past or present!
For those who are unfamiliar with Canadian football history; it is important to note that while other teams may have come before them - none had quite as much impact on popular culture as these pirates did! Their swashbuckling style combined with Anderson's expertly crafted artwork made sure everyone knew exactly who represented when seeing their flag flying high above every game day crowd at Independence Stadium during those two seasons spent here back then! It truly stands testament to how powerful branding can be when done correctly - something we should all take away from looking back fondly upon what once was…the legendary Shreveport Pirates!

Shreveport Pirates
1994 - 1995
Olde english font of a double lined wordmark "Shreveport Pirates." The letters "S" and "P" are in gold with purple trim and the rest of the wordmark in purple.
Font: Unknown