Mad Dogs Alternate Logo
The Memphis Mad Dogs are a CFL team that has been around since 1995. The team is known for its unique and iconic alternate logo, which has become synonymous with the franchise.
The original alternate logo was designed in 1996 by graphic designer John Elway, who was hired to create a new look for the Mad Dogs’ identity. This design featured an angry bulldog wearing a spiked collar and leaning forward with its mouth open wide as if it were barking or growling at something off-screen. The colors used in this version of the logo were black, yellow, red, and white – all traditional football colors – but they worked together to create an intimidating image that perfectly encapsulated what this team represented: strength and ferocity on the field of play.
In 1999, another redesign occurred when artist Don Rigo created an updated version of Elway’s original design featuring more detailed shading techniques as well as brighter hues such as orange instead of red or yellow alongside black accents throughout; this iteration also included two stars above the dog's head representing Tennessee's state flag symbolizing loyalty to both home state fans & players alike!
While some may view these changes as simply cosmetic ones made over time due to changing trends in sports logos; however there is a much deeper meaning behind them than meets eye - from showing respect towards local culture through incorporating regional symbols like stars into designs all while maintaining classic elements like color schemes & overall shape so that even after years have passed people can still recognize instantly who it belongs too - Memphis Maddogs!
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