Barracudas Alternate Logo
The Birmingham Barracudas are a professional Canadian Football League (CFL) team based in Birmingham, Alabama. The franchise was founded in 1995 and played its inaugural season the following year. Since then, the team has gone through several changes of ownership and various logos have been used throughout its history. One of these is an alternate logo which has become increasingly popular with fans over the years.
The first iteration of this logo featured a large barracuda head outlined in white against a blue background with red accents around it to represent the colors of both Alabama and Canada’s flags respectively. This version was used from 1996 until 2001 when it was replaced by another design featuring two barracudas facing each other while swimming away from one another within an oval shape surrounded by stars representing both countries' flags again but this time more prominently displayed at either side as well as within the oval itself along with some additional text reading “Birmingham Barracudas CFL” below them all for added effect.
This particular version lasted until 2005 when yet another variation on this theme came about that saw two larger outline-style fish heads placed side-by-side instead while still keeping those same stars present above them to create what many consider one of their most iconic looks ever seen on any sports team's jersey or merchandise.
From there, however, things changed drastically once again during 2008 when they decided to go back towards something closer resembling their original concept albeit now updated slightly so that instead there were three smaller fish heads arranged horizontally across each other above some stylized lettering reading “Barracudas” underneath all set against whatever color background might be chosen depending upon where exactly it will be appearing such as black or navy blue if being printed onto clothing items like t-shirts etcetera.
Despite having undergone numerous redesigns over its lifetime thus far though, the Birmingham Barracuda's alternate logo remains recognizable even today amongst long-time supporters who can easily spot its distinctive features no matter how much else may have changed around them since those early days making up just part but nevertheless important part historical legacy going forward into future generations too!
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