Los Angeles Wildcats
2020 - 2023
Initials “LA” in orange and red with a flare coming off the letter “A.” Wordmark “WILDCATS” in yellow.
Wildcats Primary Logo
The Los Angeles Wildcats are one of the eight teams competing in the new XFL football league, alongside the Los Angeles Wildcats Alternate Logo. As part of their branding efforts, they have created a unique primary logo that captures both the spirit of professional football and the city’s rich history. The logo features two wildcats set against an orange background with blue accents, representing Los Angeles’ vibrant colors as well as its nickname “City of Angels.” Additionally, there is a shield-like shape in between them which symbolizes strength and protection from harm.
The core design elements for this logo were inspired by classic Americana imagery such as vintage sports logos and team mascots from decades past. It also pays homage to some iconic Wildcat symbols used throughout history including those seen on various college campuses around California like UCLA's Joe Bruin mascot or Cal State Northridge's Matador character – both featuring wildcats prominently within their designs. Furthermore, it incorporates modern design trends such as minimalism along with bright colors to make sure it stands out among other XFL teams' logos while still maintaining its traditional roots at heart.
Overall, this primary logo embodies everything that makes up LA culture: resilience & strength combined with creativity & vibrancy all rolled into one eye-catching image! By taking inspiration from historical sources while still staying current through contemporary touches -the Wildcats have crafted an emblem worthy enough to represent not only themselves but also Angelenos everywhere who support them each week during game days!
Los Angeles Wildcats
2020 - 2023
Initials "LA" in orange and red with a flare coming off the letter "A." Wordmark "WILDCATS" in yellow.