Houston Gamblers
2022 - 2024
Red letter "G" with the state of Texas outlined in the middle and a gold star located at Houston. A wordmark "HOUSTON GAMBLERS" in black.
Rebooted and dropped when the UFL was created.
Gamblers Logo History
The Houston Gamblers were a professional football team that played in the United States Football League (USFL) from 1984-1985. The team was based in Houston, Texas, and had some of the most creative and unique logos during their short time playing in the USFL.
The first logo for the Gamblers featured a gambler wearing an old-timey suit with two dice on either side of him. This logo was used until 1985 when it was replaced by one featuring a more modern look, which included an orange shield with three stars above it and “Houston” written across it. This second design became popular amongst fans as they adopted this new image as part of their identity while representing Houston proudly throughout each game they played during those two seasons.
In 1986, after relocating to San Antonio, Texas due to financial issues within USFL league ownerships at that time; The Gambler organization changed its name to Gunslingers but kept its original logo intact for use through the 1987 season before switching again back to another variation featuring just an orange shield without any writing or imagery inside it - this version is still used today by many former players who remain, loyal supporters, even long after the dissolution of franchise operations occurred following 1988 season-ending prematurely due lack ongoing interest among potential investors/ownership groups wanting to invest the money necessary keep up competitive levels play required to maintain successful operation such teams need to have order succeed financially (and eventually win championships).

Houston Gamblers
1984 - 1985
Red letter "G" with the state of Texas outlined in the middle and a gold star located at Houston.

Houston Gamblers
1984 - 1985
Alternate Logo
The red letter “G” with the state of Texas outlined in the middle and a gold star located at Houston. Double-lined wordmark “HOUSTON GAMBLERS” in black.

Houston Gamblers
1984 - 1985
Wordmark Logo
Double lined wordmark "HOUSTON GAMBLERS" in black with red trim.