Arizona Outlaws
1985 - 1986
Cowboy face with a bandana covering part of his face and a wordmark "OUTLAWS" in red.
Outlaws Logo History
The Arizona Outlaws were a professional American football team based in Phoenix, Arizona, that played in the United States Football League (USFL) from 1983 to 1985. The team was owned by local businessman Bill Tatham and coached by former NFL head coach Frank Kush. During their three-year existence, they had one of the most recognizable logos in all of the sports: a menacing outlaw with guns drawn on his hips and wearing an eye patch. This logo has become synonymous with the USFL's brief history and is still used today to represent both the defunct league as well as its teams.
When it comes to designing logos for sports teams, there are few more iconic than that of the Arizona Outlaws’ notorious outlaw symbol which first appeared when they joined USFL back in 1983. The logo featured an intimidating figure wearing an eye patch while brandishing two pistols at his side – something which perfectly encapsulated what this unique franchise represented during those tumultuous years between 1982-1985 – lawlessness and rebellion against established norms!
The concept behind this design was created by designer Brian Fox who wanted something bold enough to stand out among other USFL franchises but also be meaningful enough so fans could easily recognize it wherever they went or saw it displayed on merchandise or apparel items such as t-shirts or hats etc. He achieved this goal admirably; even after almost four decades since then people still remember what made up ‘the look’ for these now-defunct yet ever-popular outfitters from Phoenix!
This classic logo transcended time because not only did it fit into its era but also continues to be relevant today due largely thanks to fans remembering how much fun watching them play each week must have been back then - plus having seen numerous appearances across various forms media over recent years like movies & TV shows to helps keep memories alive about just how awesome these guys really were during their short stint within America's favorite springtime sport!
In conclusion; although no longer around us here physically anymore we can always take solace in knowing that our beloved AZ Outlaw emblem will live forever through nostalgic recollections & modern-day adaptations alike...just another testament to why sometimes less truly is more when trying to express yourself visually without words needed to explain further context beyond initial glance alone - making sure everyone knows exactly where your loyalties lie no matter location present moment might find you at any given point along journey ahead lies before us all!!

Arizona Outlaws
1985 - 1986
Wordmark Logo
A backward arched wordmark "OUTLAWS" in red.