Angels Wordmark Logo The California Angels wordmark logo has been a staple of the team since its inception in 1961. The original logo featured an interlocking “CA” with a halo above it and was used until 1996 when they changed their name to the Anaheim Angels. From then on, they adopted a new logo that included an angelic figure holding …
Anaheim Angels Wordmark Logo
Anaheim Angels 2002 – 2004 Disney changed the Angels’s logo back to a “Big A” in red with white trim and a silver halo over a dark blue baseball diamond with white, silver, and red trim. On top arching over the diamond is the wordmark “ANAHEIM ANGELS.”Angels Alternate LogoAngels Primary LogoAngels Team HistoryAngels Wordmark Logo The Anaheim Angels wordmark logo …
Los Angeles Angels Wordmark Logo
Los Angeles Angels 2005 – Present In 2005, the Angels simplified the logo by removing the background diamond and the wordmarks. The “Big A” font changed to a font that is similar to Bruce Double Pica with a two toned red and a thick blue trim. The halo at the top is silver with a blue background. Angels Alternate LogoAngels …
California Angels Primary Logo
California Angels 1995 – 1996 The blue circle with silver trim was removed and the interlocking “CA” was enlarged. The “CA” is red with a white and blue outline.Angels Alternate LogoAngels Wordmark LogoAngels Team HistoryAngels Primary Logo The California Angels’ primary logo history is a long and storied one, full of iconic visuals that have become synonymous with the team. …
Anaheim Angels Primary Logo
Anaheim Angels 2002 – 2004 Disney changed the Angels’s logo back to a “Big A” in red with white trim and a silver halo over a dark blue baseball diamond with white, silver, and red trim. On top arching over the diamond is the wordmark “ANAHEIM ANGELS.”Angels Alternate LogoAngels Team HistoryAngels Primary Logo The Anaheim Angels are an American professional …
Los Angeles Angels Primary Logo
Los Angeles Angels 2005 – Present In 2005, the Angels simplified the logo by removing the background diamond and the wordmarks. The “Big A” font changed to a font that is similar to Bruce Double Pica with a two toned red and a thick blue trim. The halo at the top is silver with a blue background. Angels Alternate LogoAngels …