Cardinals Alternate LogoCardinals Primary LogoCardinals Team HistoryCardinals Team MerchCardinals Wordmark Logo The St. Louis Cardinals are one of the most iconic teams in Major League Baseball, and their wordmark logo has been a part of that identity since 1922, particularly in relation to the St. Louis Cardinals Primary logo. The original design featured an interlocking “SL” with a cardinal perched …
St. Louis Cardinals Alternate Logo
St. Louis Cardinals 1999 – Present In 1998, the “birds on the bat” was updated for the first time in 30 years with more detailed bird and bolder letters. The new single red with navy blue outline cardinal has a yellow beak with white eyes. The scripted wordmark “Cardinals” in red with a navy blue trim is a much bolder …
St. Louis Cardinals Primary Logo
St. Louis Cardinals 1999 – Present In 1998, the “birds on the bat” was updated for the first time in 30 years with more detailed bird and bolder letters. The new single red with navy blue outline cardinal has a yellow beak with white eyes. The scripted wordmark “Cardinals” in red with a navy blue trim is a much bolder …
St. Louis Cardinals Primary Logo
St. Louis Cardinals 1970 – 1987 In 1970 the logo came to be what is today the streamlined version of the a cardinal head with an attitude. Designed by Verlander Design.Cardinals Alternate LogoCardinals Wordmark LogoCardinals Team HistoryCardinals Primary Logo The St. Louis Cardinals have a long and storied history in the National Football League, dating back to their inception in …