Houston Oilers 1980 – 1996 The final logo for the Oilers is a clean blue oil derrick with a white background and a red outline. Oilers Primary LogoOilers Team HistoryOilers Wordmark Logo The Houston Oilers were a professional American football team that played in the National Football League from 1960-1996. The team was based out of Houston, Texas, and had …
Edmonton Oilers Wordmark Logo
Edmonton Oilers 2023 – Present The Oilers’ wordmark “OILERS” is in blue in the original custom font, as well as the encompassing blue ring, and the oil drop is orange in the top center. Colors to rematch their original 1979 team colors of royal blue and orange. Oilers Alternate LogoOilers Primary LogoOilers Team HistoryOilers Team MerchOilers Wordmark Logo The Edmonton …
Edmonton Oilers Alternate Logo
Edmonton Oilers 2023 – Present The Oilers’ wordmark “OILERS” is in blue in the original custom font, as well as the encompassing blue ring, and the oil drop is orange in the top center. Colors to rematch their original 1979 team colors of royal blue and orange. Oilers Primary LogoOilers Wordmark LogoOilers Team HistoryOilers Team MerchOilers Alternate Logo The Edmonton …
Edmonton Oilers Primary Logo
Edmonton Oilers 2023 – Present The Oilers’ wordmark “OILERS” is in blue in the original custom font, as well as the encompassing blue ring, and the oil drop is orange in the top center. Colors to rematch their original 1979 team colors of royal blue and orange. Oilers Alternate LogoOilers Wordmark LogoOilers Team HistoryOilers Team MerchOilers Primary Logo The Edmonton …
Houston Oilers Primary Logo
Houston Oilers 1980 – 1996 The final logo for the Oilers is a clean blue oil derrick with a white background and a red outline.Oilers Wordmark LogoOilers Team HistoryOilers Primary Logo The Houston Oilers’ primary logo has a long and storied history, dating back to its inception in 1960. The original logo featured an oil derrick with the words “Houston …