Bellarmine Knights 2020 – Present A side-view of a knight’s head with a full helmet above the wordmark “BELLARMINE” in scarlet. Knights Primary LogoKnights Alternate LogoKnights School HistoryKnights Wordmark Logo For over a century, Bellarmine University has been an integral part of Louisville’s history and culture. As such, it is no surprise that the university has had several iterations of …
Bellarmine Knights Alternate Logo
Bellarmine Knights 2020 – Present A side-view of a knight’s head with a full helmet above the wordmark “BELLARMINE” in scarlet. Knights Primary LogoKnights Wordmark LogoKnights School HistoryKnights Alternate Logo For Bellarmine University’s sports teams, the Knights have been a source of pride and school spirit since their inception. With that in mind, it is no surprise that they have …
Bellarmine Knights Primary Logo
Bellarmine Knights 2020 – Present A side-view of a knight’s head with a full helmet above the wordmark “BELLARMINE” in scarlet. Knights Alternate LogoKnights Wordmark LogoKnights School HistoryKnights Primary Logo For over a century, the Bellarmine Knights have been an integral part of college sports. From their origins as a small Catholic university in Louisville, Kentucky to becoming one of …
ASUN Teams Logo Battle
ASUN Primary LogoASUN Alternate LogoASUN Wordmark LogoASUN Team History (Unlimited Votes) Choose your favorite ASUN team logo? Austin Peay Governors Primary 2019 – Present Bellarmine Knights Prmary Logo 2020 – Present Central Arkansas Bears Primary Logo 2017 – Present Eastern Kentucky Colonels Primary Logo 2017 – Present Florida Gulf Coast Eagles Primary Logo 2023 – Present Jacksonville Dolphins Primary Logo …
ASUN Wordmark Logo
Wordmark Logos Austin Peay Governors A wordmark “GOVS” in red.See Team LogosBellarmine Knights A left-facing knight head in white with scarlet outlines and black trim next to a wordmark “BELLARMIN UNIVERSITY” in white and “KNIGHTS” in scarlet with white trim on a black background. A new shade of Scarlet.See Team LogosCentral Arkansas Bears Wordmark “SUGARS BEARS” in purple with a …