Atlanta Legends
2018 - 2019
A gold, purple and white crown above a wordmark "ATLANTA" in gold and "Legends" in custom purple font.
Legends Primary Logo
The Atlanta Legends' primary logo has a long and storied history. It is an iconic symbol that represents the city of Atlanta and its football team, the Legends. The original logo was created in 1991 when the team first joined the Arena Football League (AFL). The design featured a shield with two crossed swords on either side, along with an American bald eagle perched atop it all. This classic look has been used ever since as a part of their branding identity for over 25 years now!
In 2016, when they rebranded to become part of the Alliance of American Football (AAF), they decided to update their primary logo slightly by adding some additional elements such as stars around the shield and changing up some colors. They also added more detail to make it appear more modern while still keeping true to its roots from before. These updates helped give them a fresh new look that resonates well within today's sports landscape while staying true to what made them great in past decades too!
The current version of this iconic emblem serves as a reminder not only for fans but also players about what makes this organization so special: strength through unity; loyalty towards each other; courage under pressure; passion for excellence - these are just a few values that can be seen throughout every aspect associated with Atlanta Legends’ brand identity including their Primary Logo History AAF. As we move forward into future generations, may these ideals continue inspiring us all!

Atlanta Legends
2018 - 2019
A gold, purple and white crown above a wordmark "ATLANTA" in gold and "Legends" in custom purple font.
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