Everyone loves a good mystery; the more secretive, the better, especially when they are hiding in plain sites. However, secrets can only stay hidden for too long or lose their appeal. Did you know that some of your favorite spots have logos with hidden meanings? It’s almost as though they are waiting to be discovered. Some may even say that you are not a true sports enthusiast if you don’t know some mysteries for a heated nerdy debate. So, let the challenge begin, and let’s see how many hidden meanings you know of among these top ten logos. Perhaps you will find a hidden meaning even among the top live casino Nederland. To that end, if you are a betting enthusiast, then you might also want to try your hands on some excellent casinos.
Philadelphia Eagles

Philadelphia Eagles Primary Logo 1996 - Present
The Philadelphia Eagles team is one of the most renowned in America and features an Eagle in its logo. True to the logo, they’ve persevered and remained one of the resourceful teams over the years. That said, the logo not only represents their fighting spirit in a game but also outlines the letter E, which stands for eagle, albeit artistically hidden. That said, the Eagles are one of the best teams in the US, with a large fan base; they often tend to love sports betting.
Did you know that the blue, yellow, black, green, and red interlaced colored rings of the Olympics logo against a white background represent the five continents? That’s right! And the significance couldn’t be any clearer. It was designed by the founder of the Olympics committee, Pierre De Coubertin, and it debuted in 1920. The hidden meaning of the logo is to emphasize the unity and the representation of most athletic across the continents.
Washington State Cougar

Washington State Cougars Primary Logo 1995 - Present
Although it might not be evident at first glance, the logo of Washington State University’s athletics team is a merge of the image of a cougar and the initials WSC. It was designed by Randal Johnson, a student at the university, and it’s been used since then. This uniquely designed logo speaks to the lengths people can go for their alma mater when motivated. Who knows, you might win the jackpot betting on your alma mater.
Houston Rockets
The Houston Rockets basketball team logo is one of the few on this list that has undergone several drastic changes over the years. Their first logo debuted as a basketball player with a rocket backpack and a twirling ball in his palm. Since then, it’s gone through several transformations to become what's known today as an R shape made of a rocket ship.
Washington Capitals

Washington Capitals Primary Logo 2008 - Present
The capitals have gone through at least three rebranding phases over the years. Initially, their logo was a combination of their name with six stars neatly arranged above the name. In absolute terms, it represented the elegance of simplicity and the spirit of authenticity. It was changed to a multi-colored colored bald eagle and then later changed to the image of the capital building. In recent years, they’ve changed the logo back to what it first used to be: the name of the hockey team with stars aligned above.
Minnesota Wild

Minnesota Wild Primary Logo 2014 - Present
As though to signify that they embody the wild nature of a bear, the logo of the Minnesota Wild hockey team is the head of a bear which contains the design of the sun, a river, and the pine trees of the Minnesota landscape. These designs in the logo are meant to show their origin and history in Minnesota. One cannot help but admire the dedication to their roots.
College Football Playoffs
The annual football playoffs are one of the most competitive tournaments in the US. It’s also one of the most appropriate times to place bets on a poker game or your favorite teams and enjoy the season's spirit. However, one would think that with such prestige, the college football playoffs logo with signify something glorious, but instead, they went for simplicity. Besides the simplistic and clean design, the four strips in the logo represent the four finalists that will face off for the national title.
Big Ten Sports Logo
As the oldest and one of the biggest athletic collegiate conferences, it stands to reason that its logo will be memorable. With a simple glance, it becomes apparent that the logo IG refers to the 10 participating colleges in the conference.
New York Yankees
The Yankees are such a phenomenal team that they already have a cultural influence. When turned upside down, the Yankee logo gives the image of a bat being pulled out of a hat, which makes a historical reference to their origins. According to history, the Yankees had a history with sorcery, where they pulled baseball bats out of nothing and used them to win games.
Arizona Diamondbacks
Arizona Diamondbacks is another team on our list whose logo has undergone several changes over the years, from purple to teal to copper. The current Sedona red was inspired by sandstone that took place near Sedona Park in Arizona.
Sports Logo History is a community of sports logo enthusiast who enjoys the history of each team’s logo history. Sports Logo History has primary logos, alternate logos, or wordmark logos from the NFL, NBA, MLB, MLS, NHL, Premier League, WNBA, CFL, NCAA, ABA, USFL, AAF, and XFL.
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