Howard Bison 2015 – Present A wordmark “HOWARD” in red and “BISON” in a custom font in blue are above a front-facing bison’s head in blue, pewter blue, and white. The wordmark Bison typeface features horns at both ends. Bison Alternate LogoBison Wordmark LogoBison School HistoryBison Primary Logo The Howard Bison primary logo has undergone several changes throughout its history. …
Delaware State Hornets Wordmark Logo
Delaware State Hornets 2023 – Present A hornet in red and black with blue, white, and black wings spread out and with a stinger. In front of the hornet is an arched wordmark “DELAWARE STATE” in white and “HORNETS” in red with white trim. Hornets Primary LogoHornets Alternate LogoHornets School HistoryHornets Wordmark Logo The Delaware State Hornet wordmark logo is …
Delaware State Hornets Alternate Logo
Delaware State Hornets 2023 – Present A hornet in red and black with blue, white, and black wings spread out and with a stinger. In front of the hornet is an arched wordmark “DELAWARE STATE” in white and “HORNETS” in red with white trim. Hornets Primary LogoHornets Wordmark LogoHornets School HistoryHornets Alternate Logo Delaware State University, located in Dover, Delaware, …
Delaware State Hornets Primary Logo
Delaware State Hornets 2023 – Present A hornet in red and black with blue, white, and black wings spread out and with a stinger. In front of the hornet is an arched wordmark “DELAWARE STATE” in white and “HORNETS” in red with white trim. Hornets Alternate LogoHornets Wordmark LogoHornets School HistoryHornets Primary Logo The Delaware State Hornets’ primary logo has …
Coppin State Eagles Wordmark Logo
Coppin State Eagles 2017 – Present Initials “CSU” in blue with a golden eagle flying between the letter “S.” Eagles Primary LogoEagles Alternate LogoEagles School HistoryEagles Wordmark Logo The history of the Coppin State Eagles wordmark logo is steeped in tradition and pride. The logo, which features a bold and powerful eagle perched atop the letters “C” and “S,” has …
Coppin State Eagles Alternate Logo
Coppin State Eagles 2017 – Present Initials “CSU” in blue with a golden eagle flying between the letter “S.” Eagles Primary LogoEagles Wordmark LogoEagles School HistoryEagles Alternate Logo As an Eagles fan, you may be familiar with the iconic logo representing your beloved team. However, you may not be as familiar with the Coppin State Eagles’ alternate logo history. The …
MEAC Team Logo Battle
MEAC Primary LogoMEAC Alternate LogoMEAC Wordmark Logo (Unlimited votes) Choose your favorite MEAC team logo? Coppin State Eagles Primary Logo 2017 – Present Delaware State Hornets Primary Logo 2023 – Present Howard Bison Primary Logo 2015 – Present Maryland Eastern Shore Hawks Primary Logo 2022 – Present Morgan State Bears Primary Logo 2002 – Present North Carolina Central Eagles Primary …
Coppin State Eagles Primary Logo
Coppin State Eagles 2017 – Present Initials “CSU” in blue with a golden eagle flying between the letter “S.” Eagles Alternate LogoEagles Wordmark LogoEagles School HistoryEagles Primary Logo As an Eagles fan, it is important to understand the history and significance of our team’s primary logo. The Coppin State Eagles primary logo has undergone several changes since the university’s inception …