SLH News - NFL Helmet Logo

5 Incredible NFL Logos Designs on the Helmets

The NFL helmet is an iconic piece of sports equipment. With the rounded top and grill, it’s instantly recognizable! Still, what makes every football helmet even better is the team colors, logos, and design. This season, Riddell is still the primary helmet-maker for the NFL, but they are ceding ground to the specialized helmets of Vicis, which are said to …

SLH News - NFL Story Logo

NFL Teams and Their Logos, A Story About Identity and Pride

If you think of golden arches, you automatically remember McDonald’s, right? If you see an apple with a small bite on the upper right side, you think of Apple. Logos have become the most important way to identify a company’s identity throughout the years and with the NFL the story is basically the same. From looking for your team’s latest …